
Information-Based, Whole-Person Approach to guide you with tailored recommendations and resources to become your own best advocate.


Individual Services

Foundational Program

An individualized program broken down into 3-month increments that will bring us back to the basics as we do focused work regarding food support and lifestyle habits.

The program includes:

  • Food and Mood Journal assessment
  • Wellness Questionnaire results
  • (1) 90-minute Initial Consultation where we address your health concerns, medical/family history, current medications/supplements, detailed symptom information, assessment results, and food journal
  • Educational Notebook to help build your confidence as you pay attention to the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual elements
  • (1) 1-hr Recommendations Consultation where we will work together to design a personalized food and lifestyle support plan that addresses your health concerns–empowering you to intentionally do the work
  • (2) 30-min Check-In’s via video call or phone to discuss progress, roadblocks, and any additional supports you may be needing
  • (1) 30-minute grocery store tour, to learn how to shop for Supportive Foods
  • Weekly Quick Checks to help you stay steady toward your goals
  • (1) Celebration Consultation where we look at your progress and celebrate the big and small victories.
  • Option to Add-On labs and tests that are accompanied by interpretation and recommendations for food support, lifestyle habits, and herbs/supplements as needed (Add-Ons and interpretation is not included in the package price).
  • FREE Group Classes attendance for you and (1) guest for the duration of the program


Foundational+ Program

 Foundational+ Program is focused on digging deeper into the root causes for your concerns, complaints, and/or diagnosis(es) through testing and labs. Timeline for completion is client dependent.

The program includes:

  • Wellness Questionnaire results
  • Food and Mood Journal assessment
  • (1) 90-minute Initial Consultation where we address your health concerns, medical/family history, current medications/supplements, Wellness Questionnaire results, and lab and testing recommendations that could be most beneficial to you based on the assessment and health concerns (Labs and tests kits are not included in the package price)
  • (3) Test Results Consultation, where we take a dive into the function and wellness of your body and how it can best be supported via food, lifestyle, herbs/supplements based on results from the testing
  • (3) Check-In’s via video call or phone call
  • Quick Checks whenever you have questions, concerns, or updates that need to be addressed
  • (1) Celebration Consultation after the completion of your third Test Results Meeting.











Are you a learner? Have you been studying trying to understand your symptoms and how they might be correlated? Perhaps you are the podcast, TikTok, YouTube listening guru and are trying to apply that knowledge to your own health circumstance, but you aren’t quite sure if you are making the right connections and would like someone to partner with you on your endeavors. The Wisdom program is for you.

Program includes:

  • (1) 1-hr one-on-one learning, in which you lead the discussion for what you are wanting to understand and connections you are wanting to make about health and wellness.

Cost: $75 per session

*Click the link below to learn how to sign-up for Wisdom


You like what you are seeing. You do believe your health can be different. You are ready for strategic change. You are ready for an Information-Based, Whole Person Approach, that is focused on empowering and equipping you to find the root causes and alleviate symptoms.

Let’s do this!

Interested in becoming a client but would like to speak to someone first?

Fill-out the form below to schedule your FREE Discovery Phone Call.


Harv Herman

Someone will have a different conversation with you than with your physician, and both conversations are beneficial.”

Abigail Scobee

“It has stuck with me that the body is made so intricate that nothing happens in the body that is not with a purpose or reason.”

Molly Arrington

“After our interactions, I had even more confidence, because I felt like I had been given knowledge and answers to things I may have missed in my own research!”

Derek Neill

“You hear the world ‘holistic’ but you actually fulfill the definition of what it means to look at the body holistically.”

Liz R.

“What has stuck with me most is a sense of empowerment when working with health professionals—empowerment to advocate for myself and not just take their answers for things. I have said no several times to doctors who wanted me to just take pills as a treatment.”

JoAnna Romano

“The main thing [that has stuck with me] is that all of our body is connected. Mental, physical, emotional, and even spiritual so it’s important to treat your entire system together.”


What first steps do I take to becoming a client?

“Wisdom for you intricate design” means you are given tools that can build confidence in your ability to RECLAIM your health + wellness. Two tools are given to you before you even officially become a client! By clicking here, you will receive a video, Elements for HealthAt the end of video, you will receive a link to complete the Wellness Questionnaire. Both the video and the Wellness Questionnaire prepare you for the Strategy Phone Call. Once these steps have been completed, you are on your way to becoming a client!

What do I bring to my appointments?

Each appointment varies but any necessary information will need to be supplied prior to the appointment. This might include a questionnaire, food journal entries, lab work, etc. As a client, you will be able to submit necessary paperwork through the Nutri-Q portal.

Is there a limit to doing the Foundational Program?

There is no limit! If you get done with your 3-month program and would like to do it again, you are more than welcome. 

Since RECLAIM considers physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health, does that mean I can receive guidance in each of these areas?

Great question! These Elements for Health are all critical when considering the balance and resilience of the body. Currently, RECLAIM health + wellness cannot give specific counseling or coaching for anything outside its scope of practice. However, in each consultation, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health are all considered as we search for root causes for your symptoms. If needed, outside referrals may be made.

Do I have to do the Foundational+ Program?

No program is necessary. It is up to you what fits your needs, concerns, goals, and financial circumstances. 

The Foundational+ Program can be beneficial, though, if you have gotten stuck in your progress despite following tailored food and lifestyle recommendations. Since this program digs deeper via testing and labs, the recommendations for food, lifestyle, and herbs/supplements may better assit your body’s restorative mechanisms.

Do I have to be a client to sign-up for the Wisdom service?

Nope, you sure don’t. Please note, this service is strictly educational, where you lead the way. You get to bring the health and wellness content you’re learning and wanting to understand.

Since this is only geared toward education, you will not receive recommendations–simply tools, additional learning resources, and support as a student of health and wellness.

Is there a limit to doing the Wisdom service?

You won’t be cut off from being a student of health and wellness. You do have to sign-up and complete the necessary forms for each appointment made under this service.

Start RECLAIMING today!

You matter. Your health matters. You do not have to feel overwhelmed, alone, embarrassed, confused, or frustrated any more. You can do this. You can take your first steps today.

When you fill out the form, you’ll get access to a free teaching and comprehensive assessment that will set the stage for our journey together.

You can Reclaim Health + Wellness.

Psalm 139

13 For you formed my inward parts;
    you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.[a]
Wonderful are your works;
    my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
    intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
    the days that were formed for me,
    when as yet there was none of them.

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