Educational Support

Equipping you with knowledge so that you can be strengthened for self-advocacy and begin putting the pieces of your health together. Online and in-person options available.


Photo by Benjamin R. on Unsplash

In-person, community building experience

Group Classes

The purpose of group classes is to gather together to learn! Topics can range from functions and systems of the body; ways you can support the body; and making connections with the Elements for Health–physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. 

Photo by Benjamin R. on Unsplash

equipping you with knowlege at  your convenience

Free Resouces

Just because you can’t come to an in-person event, doesn’t mean you can’t get the benefits of learning how to “Consider the whole person, not just the parts.”

RECLAIM health + wellness offers you two ways of learning:

  1. Online through recorded, listening only, teachings offered by Rachel Cancino-Neill, HRC., NTP.
  2. The Intricately Woven Podcast: a complicated body explained in an uncomplicated way. Rachel is joined by her husband, Derek, to dive into the functions and systems of the body and what impacts them. You will be given tools, ideas, and information that can help you put the pieces of your health together.

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You are capable of making connections.

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Be empowered.

Workshops that equip you with knowledge to build your confidence and your voice. 

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