Can your perception of life be impacting your physical health? To answer this question, we are going to do a deeper dive into the nervous system. Just a heads up, we’ll be here for a while before returning to digestion. Why?? Because many of us have some ideas about digestion, but how many of us have considered the relationship between the nervous system and digestion? You’ll be a pro by the time you’ve heard all the episodes we have lined up for you!

Books mentioned:

Smart Moves: Why Learning Is Not All In Your Head (

Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma (

#healthandwellness #wellness #intricatelywoven #health#fearfullyandwonderfully #lifestyle #holistichealth #bodyfunctions#healtheducation #perception

Music credit:

#uppbeat License code: PQIPBOA8LIPYO7UL License code: BXR6RL9OXKFHCKGX License code: H9MRAH53ZGUZYBJX References: 1. Marieb, E. N. (2003). Human Anatomy and Physiology. Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, p. 455-456; 2. Hannaford, C. (1995). Smart Moves: Why learning is not all in your head; 3. Leaf, C. (2006). Who Switched Off My Brain? Controlling Toxic Thoughts and Emotions. Inprov, Ltd. 4. Levine, P. (1997). Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma. North Atlantic books.

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